Huw Alban – From Place, to Process, to Print.

On September 13th Huw Alban joined us on Zoom to give us an insight on Basic Processing and Editing.  This was his brief, but actually as he explained and showed us, you start the finished image in camera not in Lightroom.

His presentation took us on various locations, with stills and video at each, so we could sense why he stood where he did, and what he was trying to achieve within camera before he pushed the shutter.  The resulting images were then put into Lightroom and couple of edits done each for us to see how subtle changes elevated the image back to the reality of the scene.  Huw also used Photoshop in specific instances and again we were shown how to get images from LR to continue the workflow in PS.

A good evening, giving plenty of insight on a variety of ways to enhance an image, but definitely start in camera, and to top it off end it with an actual print!



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