For the February points cup we welcomed Paul Thackery from Wimborne Camera Club, as the judge.
There were 17 prints for judging and 23 pdi’s, although there were only 5 monochrome prints 3 were amongst the highest scores, so perhaps quality over quantity.
10 points
Debbie Davies – Blowing in the Wind
9.5 points
Marilyn Peddle – Bath Old & New
Graham Hutton – Setting Sun
9 points
Rachel Cooper, Stephanie Selwyn, Graham Hutton, Marilyn Peddle, Ian Ferris
10 points
Roly Barth – Puffin Sleeping
Jean Bartlett – Fly Strike
9.5 points
Colin Cross – Soaring Gannet
Marilyn Peddle – Female Dragonfly
9 points
Glynis Larter-Whitcher, Roly Barth, Jean Bartlett