Getting Practical

There has been plenty going on since the season started.

The Mount Cutting Evening hopefully gave everyone a chance to ‘have-a-go’ and I’m pleased to report no-one lost a digit as there were sharp implements around, but some (me) were mentally challenged with the ‘digits’ calculating the apertures that needed to be cut out.

The Field Trip out to Holt Heath and Whitesheet was well attended, some great fungi and the autumn colours were starting, but cut short due to the weather, the intention had been to photograph the sunset at Knowlton Church on the way back, but it wasn’t to be, luckily we were all back in the vehicles before the heavier downpours.

The Self-Help Support Group was held as usual on the third Thursday in October, with plenty going on and this was continued into it’s Tuesday calendar slot, from LR and PS editing to filters and Lensbaby, a good evening with plenty of chatter and socialising to boot.

The Studio Group hosted a table top session, the room was pretty packed, but by using continuous lighting there was no problem with randomly triggering flash guns. Again it was a buzzy and social atmosphere, with plenty of tips, ideas for props and backdrops, shaping light and shade, and a quick session on tethered shooting.  

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